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Visual Rhetorical Analysis

Include the Visual in the Rhetorical Situation

Use the visual as an engaging way to incorporate discussions of the rhetorical situation into classroom projects. Here is a sample prompt for use in the classroom. According to Purdue Owl, the rhetorical situation is comprised of Writer, Audience, Topic, Purpose, Context and Culture. By having students analyze images, students are encouraged to have a fuller perspective about the act of composing and the use of Instagram makes the lesson more relevant to students everyday lives.

Rhetoric of the Selfie

We talk about selfies all the time, but how do selfies function rhetorically? Engage students in a discussion about the broader implications of selfies. What does the selfie aim to achieve? The NYTimes Pieces by james Franco can help facilitate this discussion. How do selfies fit into a larger tradition of self portraiture? How does the composition of the selfie affect our interpretation of the image?

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